One Girl on a Cloud

“There are some stages in life in which it’s worth knowing how to leave behind something dear and move on… There are some excellent children’s literature books engaging in precisely that, and One Girl on a Cloud is one of them… It is intended for children who already know about separation, and know that growing up also means saying goodbye to some valuable advantages… Moshe Oren skillfully tells a story, patiently and at length, about the beauty of this separation…”
“Another fairytale, but new, and particularly charming… What is this parable about? The spirit of imagination and art? Our love for our children, expressed in our ability to trust them and loosen the string? About childhood and imagination and vision that one day come to an end…? This is indeed a good story, layered with innumerable meanings…”
“One Girl on a Cloud by Moshe Oren is a charming, classic children’s story… Not a single negative emotion has penetrated through the book cover, and even the sadness in it is a sweet sadness… You even cry at the end, happy tears.”
Nicole, the circus acrobats’ daughter, was born as light as a feather. On her first birthday the clowns gave her a birthday gift, a huge balloon – much bigger than any little girl. From that moment on, Nicole never let it out of her tiny hand; wherever she went the balloon was right there, floating above her curly head.
One night at the circus, in front of the dumbstruck audience, something happened that no one had ever witnessed before…